
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2021

how much weight can you lose by juicing

 how much weight can you lose by juicing  If you like fruit juices such as pineapple juice. We know that it is one of the best fruits for its juice with very good benefits And this is why we are going to talk about pineapple to  be able to lose weight and have a Good source of vitamin C and vitamin C as well  as copper and manganese, it is also a provider From folic acid, Here I am going to name you the best  juices for weight loss Food always has to be chosen with care and  in this case vegetables That they are fresh not battered or frozen  for a long time because they lose Its vitamins and minerals so many years ago  when people started To consume vegetables before there were  blenders and extractors that Now we know, people just washed the vegetables And chewed them, there was no way to grind  them well and extract their juice or strain them To remove certain seeds or fibers, I just chewed  them and discarded them in the machines. They made our life easier but they also made us lose